Cloud service
Pricing | Free vs paidQuickstart | FAQ | Payments and invoices | Corporate accounts | Transferring a subscription | Transferring a workspace
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Corporate accounts
If you are signing up for a subscription on behalf of an organisation, we recommend the use of a shared/group e-mail address
) rather than using an individual's e-mail address.
This will ensure continuity of service when individuals leave your organisation, or are otherwise unavailable.
All account e-mail addresses need to verified, so please ensure that any shared/group account is able to receive e-mail.
Paid subscriptions
A paid subscription is associated with a user account. Subscriptions cannot be transferred between user accounts.
Paid cloud service features are associated with the workspace(s) owned by the user who has the subscription. If you transfer a workspace from a paid subscriber to a free user, that workspace will lose the paid features. Our recommendation is that subscriptions are started with a shared account. Workspaces can then be created via this shared account, and individuals can be assigned to be an "admin" of that workspace using the role-based access mechanism.
We will not be held responsible for any loss of data when an employee of an organisation signs up for an account and leaves the organisation without transferring their data beforehand.