Sign up

Signing up gives you access to the Structurizr cloud service, with the paid feature set as described on the products page, for a trial period of two weeks. After this time you will switch to the free feature set, with the option to start a paid subscription.

You will need to verify your e-mail address to use your account, so please check for typos.

Corporate accounts

Signing up on behalf of an organisation? Consider using a shared/group e-mail address to ensure continuity of access when individuals leave your organisation, or are otherwise unavailable. See Help - Corporate accounts for more details.

Open source projects and academic use

We provide free access to our paid cloud service for open source projects and academic establishments.

Passwords must be at least 12 characters; including one number (0-9), one lowercase letter (a-z) and one uppercase letter (A-Z). We recommend using a longer, stronger password though, and using a password manager to store it.

Generate random password Hide password Check password

(password checking provided by; only the first five characters of your password hash are sent)

By signing up for an account, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.