Client-side encrypted workspace
The workspace "" has been client-side encrypted, please enter the passphrase to decrypt it.
iframe embed
The code below allows you to embed your diagram(s) using a responsive iframe. See Cloud service - Embed for more details.
<iframe id="myEmbeddedDiagram" src="/embed/76748?diagram=&diagramSelector=false&iframe=myEmbeddedDiagram" width="100%" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/structurizr-embed.js"></script>
The perspectives included in the software architecture model are listed below. Viewing a diagram with a particular perspective will highlight all elements and relationships that have content for that perspective. See Help - Diagrams - Perspectives for more details.
The tags included in the software architecture model are listed below. Viewing a diagram with one or more tags selected will highlight all elements and relationships with those tags.
Please note
There are no views defined in this workspace.
Select the diagram(s) that you would like to include in the review. See Cloud service - Diagram review for more details.