workspace "Financial Risk System" "This is a simple (incomplete) example C4 model based upon the financial risk system architecture kata, which can be found at" { model { businessUser = person "Business User" "A regular business user." configurationUser = person "Configuration User" "A regular business user who can also configure the parameters used in the risk calculations." financialRiskSystem = softwareSystem "Financial Risk System" "Calculates the bank's exposure to risk for product X." "Financial Risk System" { !docs docs !adrs adrs } tradeDataSystem = softwareSystem "Trade Data System" "The system of record for trades of type X." referenceDataSystem = softwareSystem "Reference Data System" "Manages reference data for all counterparties the bank interacts with." referenceDataSystemV2 = softwareSystem "Reference Data System v2.0" "Manages reference data for all counterparties the bank interacts with." "Future State" emailSystem = softwareSystem "E-mail system" "The bank's Microsoft Exchange system." centralMonitoringService = softwareSystem "Central Monitoring Service" "The bank's central monitoring and alerting dashboard." activeDirectory = softwareSystem "Active Directory" "The bank's authentication and authorisation system." businessUser -> financialRiskSystem "Views reports using" financialRiskSystem -> tradeDataSystem "Gets trade data from" financialRiskSystem -> referenceDataSystem "Gets counterparty data from" financialRiskSystem -> referenceDataSystemV2 "Gets counterparty data from" "" "Future State" configurationUser -> financialRiskSystem "Configures parameters using" financialRiskSystem -> emailSystem "Sends a notification that a report is ready to" emailSystem -> businessUser "Sends a notification that a report is ready to" "E-mail message" "Asynchronous" financialRiskSystem -> centralMonitoringService "Sends critical failure alerts to" "SNMP" "Asynchronous, Alert" financialRiskSystem -> activeDirectory "Uses for user authentication and authorisation" } views { systemContext financialRiskSystem "Context" "An example System Context diagram for the Financial Risk System architecture kata." { include * autoLayout } styles { element "Element" { color #ffffff } element "Software System" { background #801515 shape RoundedBox } element "Financial Risk System" { background #550000 color #ffffff } element "Future State" { opacity 30 } element "Person" { background #d46a6a shape Person } relationship "Relationship" { dashed false } relationship "Asynchronous" { dashed true } relationship "Alert" { color #ff0000 } relationship "Future State" { opacity 30 } } } }
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